
  • Welcome to Naper Art! Art tools and paints All students have Art once a week. Students in kindergarten through second grade are in Art for fifty minutes a week. Third grade through fourth grade students have Art for one hour.

    Our art curriculum gives an opportunity for students to be exposed to art from various cultures. The styles of art we study come from the cultures of Mexico, Japan, China, Korea, and Australia just to name a few.

    Students at Naper also spend time learning about past and present inspirational artists from all over the world. Some of the famous artists that we study include Vincent van Gogh, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and Claude Monet.

    By the time students graduate and leave Naper, it is my goal as an art teacher that they will be familiar with the Elements of Art and value the creative expression that we are all capable of producing as people.

    The Elements of Art are: Texture, Space, Shape, Value, Line, and Color. Through each lesson, students from K-5th grade will be introduced to these Elements of Art.

    Ms. Sindelar
    Cortney Sindelar- Email