Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to reach my child's teacher if I have questions?E-mail is the preferred method of communication for most of the teachers. Notes sent in with students can easily get lost in the shuffle of the morning arrival. Click here for a listing of Faculty/Staff e-mail addresses. Please check with your teacher at the beginning of the year as to which method of communication they prefer.Is there a place on the District 203 web-site where I can get lots of basic information about Naperville schools?Sure! Just click here to be redirected to the District 203 FAQ page.
What if my child wants to stay after school to play on the playground?
District 203's Parent/Student Handbook states that students should not remain on the playground after school. Supervision ends at 2:40pm.
What is the procedure for taking my child out of school for a doctor's appointment?
We understand that some appointments during school hours are unavoidable. Please try to write a note the the classroom teacher in advance whenever possible. Then, stop by the front office and ask the secretary to call your child to meet you at the front hall table (just outside of the main office) where you can sign him/her out. When the student returns to school, please remind him/her to sign in at the front hall table.
What if I need to change my child's "go home" instructions?
The office staff is happy to assist you in giving your child's teacher a message whenever there is a change in your child's after school routine. However, last minute instructions are often difficult to deliver especially when it is close to dismissal time. Please try to call the office (420-6345) before 11:30am in order for teachers to pick up the message during their lunch hours. (We try to hold intercom interruptions to times that do not interfere with classroom instruction.) After 1:30pm, there is only one secretary in the office and message delivering becomes more difficult. We are always concerned about student safety and would hate to miss giving someone an important message.
Is there a procedure for dropping off my child/children in the morning?
Yes there is! Please click here to view the Naper School traffic plan. Click here to view the Naper School traffic map.
How do I report student absences?
Please call the Health Office absentee line at 630-420-6347 to report an absence, not the main office. You will be asked to give the reason for the absence as well as the child's name, teacher's name, and the date. Absences must be reported each consecutive day. If you know your child is going to be absent due to a trip or extended illness, please send a note or phone the Health Office at the above number with the dates. The Health Office will then pass the information on to the classroom teacher. Requests for homework should go directly to the teacher.
Can I send in treats for my child's birthday?
Due to severe allergies in some students, we can not allow edible treats to be shared. Your child's birthday can be honored by donating an LRC book in your child's name if you choose. Please contact Mr. Madzinski for more information.