Project Idea (PI)

  • Project IDEA (Increase and Develop Excellence in Academics), also known as PI, is for gifted and talented students in grades four through eight. The program is offered at all fourteen elementary buildings and at all five junior high schools.
    The program seeks to develop, through integration of curriculum, the higher level thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as well as creative and critical thinking skills. Approximately 40% of the instructional time is spent on traditional gifted activities involving creative and critical problem solving, and approximately 60% of the instructional time is spent on the literacy strands of reading, writing, and speaking and listening aligned with District 203’s curriculum available from your student's classroom teacher.
    The sixth, seventh and eighth grade Project IDEA curriculum is an integrated Language Arts block focusing on reading, writing, and speaking and listening. A detailed outline of each year in the curriculum cycle is available at the schools.

    The Project IDEA curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners by changing the process, content, product, or the learning environment in which students are engaged.

    The process for identification, including eligibility matrices, is available on the Identification, Eligibility and Placement page.

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