Learning Commons
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Library Policies and Procedures
The Learning Commons is a vital component to curriculum and instruction.
The Commons is open from 7:45-3:15. Students who wish to use the Commons need to obtain a pass from their teacher for use before school, during the lunch hours, and during supervised study.
Madison Junior High is on a computerized circulation system. Each year students are given an introduction to the Commons, which includes the check-out procedure, return of materials, overdue materials and fines. They learn the procedures and expectations of Learning Commons usage during class and when it is their choice to come. They are also instructed on how to use the digital space using their Chromebooks.
- We have a self check-out system allowing students to check out books at any time during their school day.
- Books are returned in the book return at the circulation counter in the Commons.
- Students can have three items at a time.
- Materials are checked out for a three week period and are renewable.
- A $1.00 fine is assessed at the end of the fourth week, giving the students one full week to return the item or renew it before incurring a fine. Overdue notices go out via e-mail to students the week the book is due.
- Students are ultimately responsible for any material checked out in their name. If an item is lost, the student pays the price to replace the book. Refunds will only be given if the item is found undamaged within 30 days.
- Damaged books are assessed a fee to replace the book or $5.00 to pay for the cost of rebinding.
- Students will not be allowed to check out any materials if there is a fee on their account. Students should work with Mrs. Konrad or Mrs. Cheatham to clear their account.