Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enroll my student at Steeple Run?
Please visit the district website at http://d203.schoolwires.net//site/Default.aspx?PageID=101 for information and documentation required to enroll a student in a district 203 school.
Answers to the following questions may be found at the following locations:
Steeple Run/ District websites: https://www.naperville203.org/steeplerun
What is the school address, main phone number and fax number?
6S151 Steeple Run Drive 630-420-6385 main line
Naperville, IL 60540 630-420-6935 fax
630-420-6387 attendance
What number do I call if my child will be absent from school?
Please follow the procedure below for reporting your child’s absence. DO NOT call the school main number.
- Call the absence telephone number (630/420-6387) before 8:15 AM on the day of the absence.
- A voice mail system is used so please be ready to provide the following information:
- Date of absence
- Your child’s name (Please spell the last name)
- Your child’s teacher’s name
- Reason for absence
- If the absence is anticipated to be more than one day, please call the health office (630/420-6387) between the hours of 10:00 AM-2:00 PM and discuss the matter with the Health Technician.
If a child is absent, and we have not received a call, we will attempt to reach you by calling the phone numbers listed on the health card.
Children should remain home after an illness until he/she is healthy enough to return, fever free for 24 hours and able to participate in all school activities. This includes outdoor recess. It is important that your child wear the proper clothes for outside play time,weather permitting.
Written requests to remain inside will be honored if written by a doctor.
How do I find out if there is no school or activities are canceled?
In the event that school is closed due to weather or other emergency, parents will be contacted through the Talk 203 e-mail, text or phone call. School closings will also be announced on the following radio stations (WGN 720 AM and WBBM 780 AM) and all major Chicago television stations (CBS, NBC, ABC,WGN, FOX, and CLTV). Please do not call the school to ask if school is closed.
When is winter break, spring break, the last day of school etc?
Naperville Community Unit School District 203 / District 203 Calendar (naperville203.org)
Where do I park when I visit Steeple Run school?
All visitors must park in the front lot and enter through Door 1. Do NOT park in front of the school (FIRE ZONE), in the apartment complex or in the strip mall/Walgreens parking lot across the street.
What do I do if my child forgets an item at home?
Should a student forget to bring an item to school (homework, gym shoes, instrument, lunch, etc.) instruction and activities will not be interrupted for the delivery of the item to the student. Forgotten items should be labeled and given to the staff at the front desk.
All District 203 schools are part of the National School Lunch Program.
Information regarding the school lunch program can be found at https://www.naperville203.org/domain/71
Lunch Menu Information
Information regarding the school lunch menus and nutrition can be found at https://napervillecusd203.nutrislice.com/
Students may remain at school to eat lunch, or they may go home if they can accomplish this in 40 minutes. This is the lunch policy of all the elementary schools in District 203. If your child usually stays for lunch but you would like him/her to come home on a specific day, we require a note or call to that effect and the parent must come into the building and complete the signing out process in the office. Parents must sign their child back into school upon returning after lunch.
Students who forget their lunches may have permission to call home, first thing in the morning. Lunches may be delivered and given to the front office staff. Please clearly label your child’s lunch container with first and last names, grade, and teacher’s name.
What do I do if I am picking my child up early from school for a doctor’s appointment?
You can call the attendance line or front office or send a note. Once you park, come into the front office and while you are signing your child out, the staff will call for your child. To plan your time management, please include at least ten minutes for this process to take place.
What do I do when I am dropping my child off late to school in the morning?
You must park your car and come into the front office to sign him/her in the “Student Sign In/Out” book. If your child will be ordering lunch make sure their order is added to the tally sheet in the classroom envelope in the front office.
I cannot pick up my child at 2:30, can you keep him until I get there?
No, after school supervision is not available. You must make arrangements in advance to have your child go to someone’s home or be picked up by a friend/neighbor at the bus stop.
How early can I drop off my child in the morning?
Students may not be on school property before 8:00 a.m. Staff supervision of the students begins at 8:00 a.m.
The first bell rings at 8:00 a.m. and students may enter the school.Instruction begins at 8:15 a.m.
(Students are considered tardy after 8:15 a.m.)
School is dismissed at 2:30 p.m.
Half Day Institute Dismissal Times
- Students attend from 8:15 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
Holiday room parties:
There are three classroom parties (Fall, Winter, and Friendship). Classroom parties are coordinated between classroom teachers and Home & School room parents. Only those parents who are assigned as party coordinators are allowed to attend. All schools in District 203 will have parties without food treats and the focus will be on games and crafts. This will allow us to protect all students who may have food allergies. As well, we ask your cooperation and understanding that no food items will be passed out at parties.