
    Math Philosophy K-12

    • Mathematics is a universal language that allows us to make sense of fundamental principles, thoughts, ideas, patterns, problems, and phenomena surrounding us and to communicate our understanding and resolutions of these concepts to others. In order to develop and enrich student understanding of mathematics, District 203 will provide a comprehensive and cohesive mathematics curriculum in which mathematical topics are explored and analyzed with significant depth.
      The environment in every mathematics classroom will provide the following: active and responsible engagement in the learning of mathematics, an atmosphere of risk taking, in-depth investigation and analysis of intriguing situations and problems, ample opportunities for reflection and interaction, and connections to everyday life.
      Instruction in every mathematics classroom will provide a rich variety of cognitively appropriate strategies and resources so that all students have opportunities to experience both success and challenge.  
      As a result of this curriculum, environment and instruction, District 203 students will experience the utility, power and beauty of mathematics as they become proficient in using and applying fundamental mathematical concepts and skills including: computation, critical thinking, reasoning, and resourceful problem solving.

    K-12 Progression of Concepts

    • KDG
      1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
      7th 8th HS
       Counting and Cardinality
          Number and Quantity
       Number and Operations in Base Ten
      Ratios and Proportional Relationships
        Number and Operations: Fractions
      The Number System
      Operations and Algebraic Thinking
      Expressions and Equations
         Functions Geometry
       Measurement and Data Statistics and Probability  Statistics and Probability