Early Dismissal

  • Students are not permitted to leave school grounds during the day without permission from the office. Any student who needs to leave the building during the school day must present a note, signed by a parent, to the attendance desk or office before 8:00 AM. The note should state student name & grade, why the student must leave the building (i.e., dental appointment, doctor appointment, etc.), the time leaving the building and whether or not the student will be returning to school. All students leaving school will be given an early dismissal pass. Before leaving the building, the student should present his/her pass to the teacher and the parent should sign him/her out. Students returning from an early dismissal must be signed in by their parent or present a doctor's signed admittance card. Students missing academic classes will be marked absent (excused).
    A student who must leave school for a medical or dental appointment should bring a note from the parent to the office before 8:00 a.m. and receive an early dismissal pass.