• 2024-2025 Executive Team

    Anna Childers- President 

    Jeff Jones - Vice President

    Danielle Bushell - Secretary

    Casey Martin - Treasurer


    Anna - kingsleyhspres@gmail.com

    Jeff - kingsleyvp1@gmail.com

    Danielle - kingsleyhssecr@gmail.com

    Casey - kingsleyhstreas@gmail.com


    The Kingsley Home & School Association would like to welcome all families to the new school year. Please save the date for our first general meeting on Wednesday, September 18, at 6:30 pm in the Kingsley Learning Commons (LC). All parents are invited to attend, and children may come and play quietly in the LC while we meet. Please click here for the welcome letter from the Home & School President.


    Class Party Signup

    Home & School is looking for parent volunteers for head room parent and classroom party helpers. There is one head room parent per classroom. The head room parent organizes all 3 classroom parties and the class party helpers lead an activity, craft, or game at one of the parties.


    This year our classroom parties are: Fall Festival party: Thursday, October 31 from 1:15 - 1:45pm, Winter party: Friday, December 20 from 1:40 pm - 2:30pm, and Valentine's Day party: Friday, February 14 from 1:45 - 2:30 pm. The volunteer sign up will be available at the Home & School meeting on Wednesday, September 18 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.


    The sign up will then be sent via text to everyone on Thursday, September 19 at 7 pm. Please, only one sign up per family per child at this time. Thank you!

    Home & School Mission Statement

    The Naperville District 203 Home & School Association's mission is to
    encourage and facilitate a cooperative partnership among our students,
    parents/guardians, and district staff and administration to support and enhance
    the school experience of each student. Home & School initiates and/or
    supports various programs through the donation of time and sponsorship from its
    district school population and community members. Home & School remains
    constantly fluid to meet the ever-changing needs of our diverse student

    Who We Are
    As Kingsley parents or guardians, you are all automatically members of the Kingsley
    Home & School Association. Kingsley Home & School is a nonprofit organization
    consisting of parent volunteers who work with Kingsley staff to strengthen the Kingsley
    community and to help ensure the best possible school experience for our children. Each
    school in the district has its own Home & School Association. There are no membership
    dues for Kingsley Home & School.
    What We Do
    We coordinate programs and events that focus on community building, family social
    events, and/or fundraising. Funds raised are used to enhance the experience at Kingsley
    for our children – for example, by funding school assemblies or providing grants to
    teachers to supplement their classrooms, as well as fun events like classroom parties and
    large school events.
    How to Learn More and Get Involved
    Throughout the year, Kingsley Home & School communicates to parents through
    various media including the weekly Kingsley “Knightly News” emails, the Kingsley
    school website (www.naperville203.0rg/kingsley), backpack mail, and newsletters. You
    can also follow Kingsley Home & School on Facebook (@KingsleyHomeandSchool)!
    There are many ways to get involved in the Kingsley school community. Volunteer
    opportunities include helping out for a few hours at a particular event, volunteering in
    the Learning Commons, coordinating an event or committee, or serving on the Kingsley
    Home & School Executive Board. Please consider adding your time and talent to the
    Kingsley community. To learn more, please watch for Kingsley Home & School
    communication via the Knightly News and Facebook, there are a lot of opportunities to
    get involved!
    Again, welcome to Kingsley Home & School and thank you for your help making our
    community great!