All schools in Naperville School District 203 have a uniform procedure for reporting absences and have two methods to make that request.
Log into your Infinite Campus Portal: https://infinitecampus.naperville203.org/campus/portal/naperville.jsp
Watch this short video for step-by-step directions.
Reporting student absences on a daily basis is a parent's responsibility.
To report a Daily Absence: Call 630-579-7619 any time before 8:30 a.m.
Please be ready to record the following:
- Date
- Student’s Name (please spell the last name)
- Case Manager's Name
- Reason for absence
If you anticipate that your student will be absent for more than one day, please call 630-848-5530 between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.to discuss the situation with our main office or health office.
If a student is absent, and we have not received a call or the absence hasn't been entered online, we will attempt to reach you by calling your home number or another number which you have designated in Infinite Campus.