Breakfast and Lunch Information


    Connections uses the high school menu for breakfast and lunch. Menus can be found here.

    Breakfast and lunch are offered daily. Breakfast orders will be placed on the morning of the day prior. Lunch orders will be placed each morning. The cost for breakfast is $1.95. The cost for lunch is $3.25.  Payment for breakfast/lunch is taken from a preloaded account; information on creating an account and adding funds is below.  Any cash that is sent to school will be added in its entirety to your young adult's account.  


    There are a few options available for loading money onto your student's lunch account:


    If parents would like to use the debit system, there are a variety of options for depositing funds into a student's debit account. Students can bring cash, or a check made payable to Naperville CUSD to their school cashier to be added to their account.  Funds are deposited into the student's account and are immediately available for use. 


    For those who prefer the convenience of online transactions and paying by credit card, is available 24/7. There is a program fee per transaction for this online service. You can make one-time or setup automatic payments.  Please allow 24 hours for deposit to
    post to student's account. 


    All parents are welcome to set up an online account to view their student’s meal purchases.  Parents should visit to do so.  Note that if you have multiple students, you will need to individually add them to the account.  After using the online payment system at least once you may check an account balance and transaction information via the internet at any time, even if they choose to pay by check or cash after the initial transaction. Additional benefits are available including setting up low balance alerts. You may review each child's participation report that shows individual daily purchases, whether they pay cash or use the debit card.

    Getting started is a simple three-step process!

    1. Download the app or visit the homepage and click on “Sign Up Free”.
    2. Follow the prompts to create a user profile with your email address, establish a password, and set up your security questions.
    3. Add a student (or students) to your account using the required information including student’s name, date of birth, and/or student ID number.

    Here is the address to the FAQ’s where you can find directions and videos for MySchoolBucks including a video for this process:


    My School Bucks 855-832-5226

    District, call 630-848-3927 or 630-420-6599