Track and Field 2024

  • WJHS Track and Field is starting soon!  There will be an informational meeting for interested 7th and 8th grade students on Monday, March 11th, from 3-3:30 P.M. in the LC. Practice will begin on Wednesday, March 13th. In order to participate, the following needs to be completed and/or turned in:

    1. Complete the online Parent Consent for Participation Form

    2. Students must have a current sports physical on file in the health office

    3. Pay the interscholastic fee of $50.00 (turned in to the office)    

            *Checks should be made payable to School District 203.  

    Please read over this WJHS Track and Field Welcome Packet where you will find a ton of information about the season including practice/meet schedules, spiritwear information, and how to join our WJHS Track and Field Remind class for communication and updates.  

    Questions?  Please email:

         Lisha Denius (Head Coach)

         Mike Nutt (Head Coach)

    **We need parent volunteers to help out at our track meets! Please Sign up here

    **Interested in Track and Field Spiritwear? Order by March 25th!

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
