• All schools in Naperville School District 203 have a uniform procedure for reporting absences and have two methods to make that request.  


    Log into your Infinite Campus Portal: https://infinitecampus.naperville203.org/campus/portal/naperville.jsp

    Watch this short video for step-by-step directions.

    Infinite Campus Portal Help


    1. Call the absence telephone number, 630-420-6355, before 8:15 AM on the day of the absence. PM kindergarten students should be called in before 10:00 AM.

    2. A voice mail system is used so please be ready to provide the following information:

    • Date of Absence
    • Your Child's Name (Please spell the first and last name slowly)
    • Your Child's Teacher's Name & Grade
    • Reason for Absence: Due to our ongoing efforts to assure the health of all students, if you are calling your child in absent today, please indicate whether it is because: (A) your child has an influenza-like-illness as defined by a fever of greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and a cough or sore throat in the absence of a known cause other than influenza; or (B) you child has another reason for being absent today.

    3. If the absence is anticipated to be more than one day, please call the health office (630-420-6355) between the hours of 10:00 AM-2:00 PM and discuss the matter with the Health Technician.

    If a child is absent and we have not received a call, we will attempt to reach you by calling the phone numbers listed on the Health Card.

    Children should remain home after an illness until he/she is healthy enough to return, fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications,and able to participate in all school activities. This includes outdoor recess. It is important that your child wear the proper clothes for outside play time, weather permitting.

    Written requests to remain inside will be honored if written by a doctor. These requests usually involve casts or use of crutches, and should be given to the Health Technician.



    School Office
    (630) 420-6353

    (630) 637-4680

    School Hours
    8:15 AM-2:30 PM

    AM Kindergarten - 8:15 AM-10:45 PM

    PM Kindergarten - 12:00 PM-2:30 PM