Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the hours of the school day?

    Posted by:
    School hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.
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  • What hours do the students attend school on half day institutes?

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    Students attend from 8:00 a.m. and are dismissed at 11:15 a.m.
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  • What is the URL of the NCUSD203 website?

    Posted by:
    The link is
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  • What is the student ID card?

    Posted by:
    Every student receives an ID card with their picture and a number assigned to them.  The number assigned will be their number throughout middle school and high school.  They should carry their ID card with them at all times and can use their ID card in the Learning Resource Center, on the school buses and as a debit card to buy a lunch.  A $5.00 fee will be charged to replace a lost card.

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  • If my child will not be in attendance, do I need to notify the school?

    Posted by:

    Yes, the school must be informed anytime the student will not be in school.  Call 630-420-3881 before 7:45 a.m.  The Attendance Line is open 24 hours a day.  Be prepared to leave the student's Name, spelling the last name, Grade and Reason for the absence.

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  • What if my child needs to leave for an appointment during the school day?

    Posted by:
    Send a note with the reason your child needs to leave on the day of the appointment.  He/She should bring the note to the front office by 8:00 a.m.  A pass will be given to the student and teachers notified.  A parent/guardian must come into the building to sign the student out.  When your child returns, he/she must check in at the main office and receive an admittance slip for their next class.
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  • Can my child purchase a hot lunch every day?

    Posted by:
    Yes, see the district website for more information about menus and payment options.
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  • Are there procedures to follow if my child needs to take medicine during the school day?

    Posted by:
    Yes, please see our website for information and the medical permission form.
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  • What if my child would like to participate in a sport?

    Posted by:
    Interscholastic sports are offered to all 7th and 8th grade boys and girls.  Students are required to have a physical examination on file at school before they can try-out for or participate in a sport.  The physical examination form can be found on our website at under the Forms section.
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  • How does Band, Orchestra or Chorus fit into my student's schedule?

    Posted by:
    These classes meet during the supervised study period, thus resulting in no supervised study on the days that these groups meet.  These performance groups are graded classes and are included on trimester report cards.

    Band and orchestra students have weekly small-group rehearsals, which are rotated throughout the school day so that students only miss a given class approximately once every six weeks.

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  • What if my child forgets something at home?

    Posted by:

    Due to the high volume of requests we receive from students needing to call home for forgotten items and parents who drop forgotten items off each day, we are asking parents and students to take time out the night before or before leaving for school each day to make sure that they have all of the items that they need for the school day.  A good suggestion we heard from a parent recently is to post a sign on the door that your student exits in the morning that says “Did I forget anything?”
    Students are expected to be responsible and bring needed items to school.  Our overall goal is to allow classroom instruction to continue without interruption.
    If a forgotten item is dropped off at the front office, it is the student’s responsibility to come to the office to check for it during their passing period.  If a student does not pick up their item during the day, they will paged by the office at the end of the day.

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