Health Services
Absence Reporting
When To Keep Your Child Home
Keeping Us Updated
District Medication Policy
Fifth Disease
Dental and Vision Exams
Winter Weather
Health HintsWe are attempting to establish good attendance patterns in our students since it has been shown that there is a positive relationship between regular attendance, punctuality, and school success. We open the doors at 8:05am each morning so that the children can be seated in their classroom and ready to begin instructional time at 8:15am. Please help us begin your child's day in a calm relaxed manner by having them at school on time.
Even though we acknowledge the value of travel, we also recognize the importance of regular school attendance and encourage you to schedule around school vacations. Absences for reasons other than illness can put a child at a real disadvantage. Attendance records are reviewed at regular intervals throughout the school year. The State of Illinois has placed certain responsibilities on its schools to look into the causes of student absenteeism. It has been established by the County and District that 3 days of absences/tardies in a four week period or 10 absences/tardies in a school year shall be the points at which we become concerned about a student's attendance and begin to monitor and explore the situation.
Please remember that student absences MUST BE reported to the Health Office each day that a student will not attend school. The Health Office phone number is 630-420-6347. If your child is absent and we did not hear from you, we will try contacting you at home, work or through emergency numbers to make sure your child is safe.
- If a rash is present that has not been evaluated by a physician.
- If your child's oral temperature exceeds 100 degrees F. A child with such a fever should remain home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without the use of fever reducing medicines.
- If the child vomits and continues to experience nausea and/or vomiting.
- If your child complains of severe, persistent pain. The symptom should be referred to a physician for evaluation.
- If your child shows signs of upper respiratory infection (cold symptoms) serious enough to interfere with the child's ability to learn.
- If there are signs of conjunctivitis (pink eye) with matter coming from one or both eyes, itching, and/or crusts on eyelids. A child with these symptoms should be evaluated by a physician.
- If there are open sores that have not been evaluated by a physician.
- If there are signs of infestation with lice (nits in the hair, itchy scalp). The child should be evaluated for treatment with a pediculicide.
If you are not sure about whether to send your child to school, call or visit your child's physician.
Naper continues to have many families on the move. Please be sure to update parent work numbers and emergency contact phone numbers. You may do so by sending a note to the Health Office or by phone 630-420-6347. This is also a reminder to parents who have occasion to go out of town and leave their children in the care of someone else, to be sure to put in writing your authorization for emergency care during your absence, and to please notify the Health Office of the person who will be in charge.Colder weather brings an increase in illness. This is a reminder that the school CAN NOT give medicine, prescription or over the counter, unless we have a signed permission form from your child's doctor. You can find this form in the handbook or you can pick one up in the Health Office, or they are available at the District web-site. Medicine should be brought to school in the original prescription bottle (pharmacies will give an extra one when asked), or in the container in which it was purchased. It should be clearly marked with the student's name and dosage to be given. All medicine MUST be given through the Health Office, since it is not safe for other children to have medicine sent in lunch boxes or pockets.
"Fifth Disease" is a mild viral illness with no complications to most children and adults. Most individuals have acquired immunity to this illness by the time they reach adulthood. Women who are pregnant and who work or volunteer in the school are advised to inform their physician and/or obstetrician when this illness has been diagnosed in students because of a concern about exposure during pregnancy. The symptoms of "Fifth Disease" are the onset of a rash on the cheeks, which can become hot and red, often giving a slapped appearance, and later a pale rash that appears on arms, legs and trunk of body. The rash may fade and reappear over the course of several weeks, especially when the child becomes overheated due to exercise. If a child is well (no fever, cough, etc.) he/she may be readmitted even though there is still evidence of the rash if they have presented a note from their physician stating the diagnosis is "Fifth Disease". If a student from Naper school has Fifth Disease, a sign will be posted at the "visitor sign-in" outside the main office.
A dental exam is required by May 15th for all students in kindergarten and second grade. A vision exam is required for new students from out of state and all kindergarten students.
Outdoor recess is held unless the temperature or the wind chill is at 0 or below!
When the winter winds are blowing it's very cold outside for our children coming to and from school and also going outside for recess. We are constantly dismayed to see so many students not dressing warmly for the weather. Please be sure your child leaves for school each day with a hat, gloves, a warm coat and boots when appropriate. Remember, the children go outside to play when the wind chill is zero and above.
Please be sure to dress your child appropriately as everyone must go out for recess unless they present a signed and dated note from their doctor.
Because many communicable diseases occur throughout the school year and because most do not pose a serious threat to the general population, we do not inform parents every time a new case of illness occurs. If you have a special need to know about cases of communicable diseases such as Chicken Pox, Measles, Fifth Disease, etc. occurring in your child's classroom (a family member has sickle cell anemia, is pregnant, is immunosuppressed, or has a similar health concern), please inform the Health Office at 630-420-6347 and I will contact you if such an illness occurs in your child's class. Please advise the Health Office should your child come down with a contagious illness, especially Fifth Disease so that any pregnant teachers or volunteer can be notified.
For additional information, please click here to be routed to the main District 203 web-site for further information and forms related to Health Services.