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Senior Week 2024 Recap

Hello Seniors & Senior Families!


Earlier this week (Aug. 26 & 27), Seniors participated in our annual Senior Week presentations. As part of those presentations, students received the Senior Week FlowDoc - an all-encompassing resource for students looking to plan for life after North. We wanted to make sure that Seniors & their families had access to this resource, as well as the FlowDoc Walkthrough Video to use throughout Senior year.


We also hosted open drop-ins for all Seniors in The PARC on Aug. 28 & 29 during all lunch periods. This was an additional opportunity for Seniors to access School Counselors, along with The PARC staff.


We are also excited to have our in-person college visits starting on Tuesday, Sept. 3! Instructions on how students can register for these visits, occurring throughout the school day, can be found here. Visits are only open to students - Sophomore, Junior & Senior year.

  • For a calendar of upcoming visits for the following week (updated weekly on Fridays), click here
  • For an alphabetical list of all upcoming visits, click here


As a reminder, official high school transcripts will not start going out to colleges & universities until the week of September 16th. This is in line with previous years, and will ensure that a student's transcript reaches their college/university on time.


Finally, we hope to see you at our Parent University program on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:00pm. This event provides information to our Seniors, Juniors, and their families about planning for life after high school.


We hope you find this information helpful with your postsecondary planning. If you have any questions, please reach out to your School Counselor, or the College & Career Counselor.



Your NNHS Counselors